The marking of Lag BaOmer began after the destruction of the Second Temple (70 ce) during the Roman era. The Romans forbade Jews to study the Torah. A number of Jewish rabbis, however, got around the ban. When students were going to study with their rabbi, they dressed up as if they were going hunting or out for a picnic or barbeque, and thus the Romans did not prevent them from going to their lessons.
Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. Each of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet has its own numerical value. The word lag consists of the Hebrew letters lamed (numerical value 30) and gimmel (3), which combine to become 33. Omer is the period counted from Passover to the Feast of Weeks, which is quiet and serious in nature, and usually passes without any celebrations or parties being held. The exception in this seven-week period is Lag BaOmer, which is the most popular day for weddings in the entire Jewish calendar. Jews in Finland often also mark the day by having a picnic, barbeque or an outing.