Picture: Matti Porre/Tasavallan presidentin kanslia
The members of CORE Forum’s board and the Executive Director met the President of Finland Alexander Stubb at the presidential palace on November 19th 2024.
The meeting presented the activities of the Forum as well as the interfaith cooperation facilitated by the Forum, which the President considered valuable. The President and the representatives of religions discussed current topics, such as the importance of religion in Finnish society, maintaining dialogue between religions, and work against racism and discrimination.
The discussions were attended by the Forum Board members Father Heikki Huttunen from the Orthodox Church of Finland, Gölten Bedretdin from the Finnish-Islamic Congregation, Yvonne Westerlund from the Central Council of Jewish Congregations of Finland, Timo Koponen from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Irma Rinne from the Finnish Buddhist Union, Laura Huovinen from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, Gurmann Saini from the Hindu Forum of Finland and Safa Hovinen from the Finnish Bahá’í Community, as well as Katri Kuusikallio, Executive Director of the CORE Forum.