/All Saints’ Day, November 1

All Saints’ Day, November 1

All Saints is a merging of two feasts, the Feast of All Saints on November 1, (Festum omnium sanctorum) and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (Commemoratio omnium fidelium defunctorum). It is the day we remember all the martyrs of the faith and all others who have died in Christ. All Saints’ Day was first celebrated on November 1, 609 AD, when the Pantheon in Rome was consecrated as a Christian Church. Before its consecration a large number of relics of martyrs may have been placed in the Church.
The Catholic Church still marks the two liturgical days separately. Outside Finland All Saints’ Day is always observed on November 1 and All Souls on November 2. Whereas, inside Finland, All Saint’s Day is traditionally observed on the first Sunday of November, and All Souls on the Saturday preceding that Sunday.
The Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland marks All Saints’ Day on the first Saturday following October 30. The day is one of the 12 Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church. All Saints’ Day is one of the 24 major liturgical feasts of the year.
