The Great Week (Orth.), Holy Week (Cath.), and Quiet Week (Luth.) all begin on Palm Sunday. Its name refers to the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem with the people laying down palm leaves ahead of him. This is traditionally commemorated by bringing palm leaves and decorations made out of palm leaves into the church. Palm leaves have also been carried in Palm Sunday processions. In countries where palms don’t grow, branches of willow or olive have been used instead. The origins of the Finnish tradition of virpominen stem from this feast.
In the Christian tradition, Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the subjugation of the King of Glory. Having been anointed at Bethany, Jesus rode into Jerusalem towards his suffering and death, but for Christians this became a sign of hope and victory, now symbolised by the branches of palm trees. On Palm Sunday, the Church of Christ stands to follow Him through the final days of his life.