//Statement: Religions for peace

Statement: Religions for peace

Statement: Religions for peace with the CORE forum logo

The CORE Forum has been following the violence in Israel and Palestine with a heavy heart. For peacebuilding to begin in any way, a ceasefire must be established in the region and humanitarian aid must be provided to civilians affected by the fighting. Sustainable peace requires solutions that are just and inclusive of all parties.

The CORE Forum is an interfaith cooperation organisation that aims to promote social peace through interfaith dialogue and cooperation. The Forum stresses that religions are fundamentally united by the core values of peace, understanding and responsibility. Religion should be an instrument of peace. Religion is being misused if it justifies violence.

The crisis we are facing is arousing strong feelings among the various parties involved, but it is important to be able to take a stand. In the name of societal peace, we recall that it is important for everyone to check the accuracy of their information. Opinions must be expressed in a way that does not incite further violence.

Finland must continue to work together to build peace. The current situation in Israel and Palestine does not justify anti-semitism or Muslim hatred. The CORE Forum stands for the right to life for all. Current world events remind us that we must not become numb to violence and conflicts in the world. We must always work together to find ways to achieve peace. We want to continue to build interfaith relations in Finland through cooperation and dialogue.


Father Heikki Huttunen, CORE Forum Chair, the Finnish Ecumenical Council, Orthodox Church of Finland

Gölten Bedretdin, CORE Forum Vice-Chair, President of the Finnish Islamic Congregation

Yvonne Westerlund, CORE Forum Vice-Chair, Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland

Timo Koponen, CORE Forum Vice-Chair, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Finland

Irma Rinne, CORE Forum Board Member, Finnish Buddhist Union

Laura Huovinen, CORE Forum Board Member, Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland

Gurmann Saini, CORE Forum Board Member, Hindu Forum in Finland

Katri Kuusikallio, Executive Director of the CORE Forum
