/, Uutiset/Usko, toivo ja rauha – USKOT-foorumin 10-vuotista taivalta juhlistetaan seminaarilla

Usko, toivo ja rauha – USKOT-foorumin 10-vuotista taivalta juhlistetaan seminaarilla

Mikä on uskontojen yhteistyön rooli rauhanrakentamisessa? Miten sillä edistetään ihmisoikeuksia ja yhdenvertaisuutta? Mitä on uskontolukutaito ja miten sillä parannetaan maailmaa?
Usko, toivo ja rauha – USKOT-foorumi täyttää 10 vuotta! Juhlimme historiaamme, saavutuksiamme ja tulevaisuudennäkymiä 10-vuotisjuhlaseminaarin merkeissä 27.10.2021 klo 13–16. Seminaarissa kuullaan arvostettuja puhujia Suomesta ja ulkomailta. Seminaarin moderaattorina toimii USKOT-foorumin varapuheenjohtaja Yvonne Westerlund. Seminaarin kieli on englanti. Seminaaria voi seurata striimattuna YouTube-kanavallamme.


– CORE Forum Chair Pia JardiOpening words

– Professor Azza Karam, Secretary General of Religions for Peace: Is Multi-Religious Collaboration the Tipping Point to Defend Human Rights?

– Dr Mulki Al-Sharmani, Associate Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki: Commentary on Azza Karam’s keynote speech

– Mr Antti Kurvinen, Minister of Science and Culture: The Importance of Religious Literacy

– Dr Pekka Lindqvist, University Teacher, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi: From the Perspective of the Faith-Centered Inter-Faith Work

– Uskontojen paneelikeskustelu: Moving towards Peace and Human Rights in Religions
Imam Anas Hajjar (Islamic Council of Finland)
Publicist Timo Koponen (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Finland)
Vicar Laura Maria Latikka (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
Zen teacher Timo Teräväinen (Finnish Buddhist Union)
CORE Forum Vice-Chair Yvonne Westerlund (Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland)

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!


What is inter-faith collaboration’s role in peacemaking? How does the work promote human rights and equality? What is religious literacy and how does it help us make the world a better place?

Faith, Hope and Peace – CORE Forum celebrates its 10th anniversary on the 27th of October at 1 – 4 pm!

To celebrate our history, remarkable achievements and the bright future ahead, we will host our 10th Anniversary Seminar featuring esteemed speakers from Finland and abroad. The seminar will be moderated by the CORE Forum Vice-Chair Yvonne Westerlund. The seminar will be held in English and it will be streamed on our YouTube channel.


– CORE Forum Chair Pia JardiOpening words

– Professor Azza Karam, Secretary General of Religions for Peace: Is Multi-Religious Collaboration the Tipping Point to Defend Human Rights?

– Dr Mulki al-Sharmani, Associate Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki: Commentary on Azza Karam’s keynote speech

– Mr Antti Kurvinen, Minister of Science and Culture: The Importance of Religious Literacy

– Dr Pekka Lindqvist, University Teacher, Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, Åbo Akademi:
From the Perspective of the Faith-Centered Inter-Faith Work

– Inter-faith panel discussion: Moving towards Peace and Human rights in Religions
Imam Anas Hajjar (Islamic Council of Finland)
Publicist Timo Koponen (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Finland)
Vicar Laura Maria Latikka (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland)
Zen teacher Timo Teräväinen (Finnish Buddhist Union)
CORE Forum Vice-Chair Yvonne Westerlund (Central Council of Jewish Communities in Finland)

Welcome along!
